[Answer ID: 13672]

How do I share the files/folders in the CloudStation with an e-mail on a web browser?

Created 10/13/2011 08:51  |   Updated 03/13/2012 04:17

The files stored in your CloudStation can be shared with other several people.

To share a file
  1. Choose a file/folder to share.
    The way of sharing one folder/file and more than one is different.

    • To share only 1 folder/file
    • To share more than 1 folder/file

      [Share 1 folder/file]

      Click the inverted triangular icon and click [Share] in a drop-down menu.


      [Share several folders/files]

      1. Select the folders/files to share, and click [Share] in the menu bar.


      2. Confirm whether the files/folders you selected is correct, and click [NEXT].


        If you want to change share other files/folders, select [Share other files or folders] and click [NEXT].
        The files/folders should be selected again.

  2. Enter the following information when Share - Choose people to share with screen is displayed.

    1. The E-mail address of whose you want to share the files with.
      It allows you to share same files with multiple people by adding more e-mail addresses separated by semicolon or commas.
    2. Message can be sent with the link of the file.

    3. Confirm the entered information, and click [FINISH]. Share invitations will be sent when you click [FINISH].


    Confirm the folders/files shared:

    Click Sharing tab, the shared files or folders can be displayed.


    There is a function to secured by the password, and let the people who see the shared files/folders register.
    Click here to see how to configure the security by the password.


To access the shared files/folders
  1. Click the link in the mail sent.


    In case that the screen to enter your e-mail address and password, the password security function is configured.

    [If "Create an Accout" is displayed] [If "Sign In" is displayed]

    If you don't have an accout on Pogoplug with the e-mail address, you should set the password first.

    If you have an account on Pogoplug with the e-mail address, you should sign in with the accout password.
    1. Click [Terms&conditions] and show the contents of Terms&conditions.
      After reading it, click [I AGREE].
      * [I AGREE] button is gray out until you scroll down to the bottom.

    2. Click [I AGREE] after reading the Terms&Conditions.

    3. Enter the new password twice in each field, Create a password and Enter password again to confirm, and then click [OK].

    Enter the password which is registered, and click [OK].


  2. Shared files/folders are displayed in Sharing tab.
    Open a drop-down menu by clicking the inverted triagular, and select the action what you want to do for the shared files/folders.




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