[Answer ID: 14139]

How to : Set up WDS

Created 05/30/2012 06:21  |   Updated 09/09/2013 06:36
Wireless Distribution System (WDS) is a way to wirelessly connect two Access Points (AP) in order to extend wireless coverage area.

Connect the Router A (MASTER) and the Router B (SLAVE) manually in the following steps.

To configuring with AOSS button, please refer to the link here.

  • The existing Router (MASTER) should already be connected to the Internet.
  • WDS of [WHR-HP-G300N / WHR-HP-GN] is not compatible with other models of Buffalo Router.
  • WDS of [WHR-HP-G300N / WHR-HP-GN] is using MASTER/SLAVE mode.
    A MASTER AirStation can communicate with two SLAVEs only,
    and a SLAVE cannot communicate with any AirStation other than its MASTER
  • MASTER AirStation cannot use WEP encryption.

I. Physical Setup
  1. Connect MASTER and SLAVE AirStation with network cable.
  2. Connect SLAVE and your PC with network cable.
  3. Confirm Router switch of MASTER is set to ON position.
  4. Change Router switch of SLAVE to the OFF position for Access Point (Bridge) mode.
    Default IP for AirStation in Access Point (Bridge) mode is
  5. Turn on the power of MASTER and SLAVE AirStation.
  6. Wait until DIAG lamp goes out.
II. Setup MASTER AirStation
  1. Login to management (Web UI) interface by accessing to
  2. Enter the username and the password, and click [OK].
    For Username and Password refer to administrator Card if it was included with the unit.

    Factory Default of User-Friendly firmware
    - Username: root
    - Password: (empty)

  3. Go to "Wireless" -> "Basic(11n/g/b)"
  4. Set "Wireless Channel" to an actual channel (11, 6 or 1 is recommended).
  5. Set wireless encryption and write down the following:
    - "SSID"
    - "Wireless authentication"
    - "Wireless encryption"
    - "WPA-PSK(Pre-Shared Key) "
    Click "Apply".

  6. Click "Apply". Wait for one minute.
  7. Go to "Wireless" -> "WDS(11n/g/b)"
    - check the option "Enable"(checked by default)
    - "Specify Master/Slave" set to " Master"
    Click "Apply".

  8. Wait for one minute.
  9. Click "Logout", and close the browser.
  10. Disconnect the network cable between MASTER and SLAVE AirStations.
III. Setup SLAVE AirStation
  1. Login to management (Web UI) interface by accessing to
  2. Enter the username and the password, and click [OK].
    For Username and Password refer to administrator Card if it was included with the unit.

    Factory Default of User-Friendly firmware
    - Username: root
    - Password: (empty)

  3. Go to "Wireless" -> "WDS"
    - check the option "Enable"(checked by default)
    - "Specify Master/Slave" set to "Slave"
    Click "Search" to search MASTER AirStation.

  4. Choose "SSID" of MASTER AirStation checked in Step II - 5, and click "Select".
  5. Referring to the wireless setting of Step II-5, Choose "Wireless authentication" and " Encryption", and input "WPA-PSK(Pre-Shared Key) ".
    Click "Apply".

  6. Wait for one minute.
  7. Go to "Diagnostic" -> "System Info ".
    See the section of "WDS", the status of WDS between MASTER and SLAVE AirStation can be checked.



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