[Answer ID: 14466]

How to: Connect iPhone/iPod touch/iPad/iPad 2 to WLAE-AG300N.

Created 07/20/2012 06:16  |   Updated 09/07/2012 07:36
  • Check SSID and the encryption key (13-digit alphanumeric characters) of a wireless main unit, and write them down.

    *The encryption key is alphanumeric characters combined alphabets (a to k, m to n, p, r to y) except “l”, “o”, “q”, “z” and numbers (0 to 9).


2- Turn on your iPod. If not at the home screen, press home button.

3-Tap settings button.


4-Tap WiFi button.


Make sure the "Wi-Fi" button is ON.
Wait for a while until the SSID searching gets completed.

*If the "OFF" button appears, a wireless feature is disabled.
Tap the button to enable a wireless connection.

Swipe the toggle switch to ON.


5-Tap the SSID from the Step1 under "Choose a Network...".
If the SSID cannot be found, scroll the list to check it.
*A key symbol appears because the wireless connection is encrypted.


If not broadcasting your ssid choose "other" under 'choose a network'.

Under 'name' type your ssid.

6-The screen to enter an encryption key (password) appears.

Tap the encryption key written down from the Step 1. Then tap [Join].


If you are successful, a checkmark next to your wireless router's SSID on this list is indicated.

also a wireless status indicator icon on the top status bar, next to your clock is displayed.



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