[Answer ID: 9784]

What are the rules for naming a user or setting the password to be registered in the product?

Created 02/15/2011 08:33  |   Updated 09/22/2011 05:32
Naming rules for user names/passwords to register products;
To register users, click [Create User] from [User/Group]-[User] on setting screen of products.

  • Alphanumeric characters (0-9 a-z A-Z)/symbols(- _ . ! # & @ $ * ^ %) can be used for user names.
  • Symbols can not be used at the first character for user names.
  • Username can contain up to 20 bytes (UTF-8).
  • Following strings can not be used for user names.
    root、bin、daemon、sys、adm、tty、disk、lp、sync、shutdown、halt、operator、nobody、 mail、news、uucp、ftp、kmem、utmp、shadow、users、nogroup、all、none、hdusers、 admin、guest、man、www、sshd、administrator、ftpuser、apache、mysql 
  • Alphanumeric characters (0-9 a-z A-Z)/symbols (- _ @ ! # $ % & ' () * + , . / ; < > = ? [ ] ^ { } | ~) can be used for passwords.
  • Symbol can not be used at the first character for passwords other than underscore (_).
  • Password can contain up to 20 bytes (UTF-8).
  • User names/passwords to register for products should be the same user names/passwords to login Windows/Macintosh computer.
    If they are different, the user may not be able to access to the shared folders with access restrictions.
  • An administrative user of the product can use “admin” as a user name.
  • Alphanumeric characters, multi-byte characters, -(hyphen), _(underscore), and spaces may be used. Do not use a symbol and space as the first character. Multi-byte characters are mostly converted to 3 bytes in UTF.



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