[Answer ID: 14532]

How to Improve Backup Performance

Created 07/30/2012 02:12  |   Updated 10/04/2013 07:17

The data transfer rate may be improved if all the pieces of equipment on the communication path are compatible with jumbo frames and the LAN port frame size of each product is set to jumbo frames.

Check the following unless there is an improvement.


Update your firmware to the latest version. You can download the latest version of the firmware from www.buffalotech.com.


Remove files in a folder.
Reduce the number of files in a single folder, such as by moving the files in the relevant folder to anther one.
The duration for file copy and move depends on the file data volume and its related factors such as the number of files and the directory structure.


Check encryption function.
A hard drive encryption may cause a slow transfer rate.


Initialize the TeraStation.
How to Restore the TeraStation to its Factory Defaults



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